Parkland Hospital

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Today we turned Room 10 into a Hospital! We had doctors, nurses and plenty of patients. What a caring bunch we are. I wonder if anyone from Room 9 will end up actually becoming a doctor or nurse?????

H is for Hanging

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Hanging upside down is very important for learning. It helps to build core and upper body strength, increases focus, reduces stress and encourages a calm state. It also causes the small hairs in our ears stand up straight which helps with our balance. It's also a lot of fun!!!!

Floating Oranges

As part of our "I think, I notice, I wonder" science unit we completed an experiment called Floating Oranges. Before we put an orange in a jug of water, we had to guess whether we thought the orange would float or sink. Most of us thought it would float. We were right! Then Mrs Hildred peeled the orange and we had to guess again whether it would float or sink. This time, our guesses were a bit more even. The orange sank. We found out that air is trapped inside the orange skin that helps it float. This could be an experiment you could try at home in the upcoming holidays.

The Letter Jj

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Jelly Time

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Yesterday during maths we made jelly with Room 10. We had to measure and count the water as we added it to the jelly. Then we had to leave it overnight in the fridge to set ( lucky Mr Barnett didn't eat it). Today we got to taste it and it was DELICIOUS!!!!!

Jack be Nimble