We are a great bunch of New Entrant children who love learning and working together in a team! Check out what we get up to in Nifty Nine...
Stockcar Visit
Today Travis from Room 1 had his Dad bring his stockcar in for a visit. He told us all about how his car works and then he turned the engine on. Boy was it loud!!!!! We had to cover our ears.
Colour Scavenger Hunt
Today we went on a Colour Scavenger Hunt with our Buddy Class. We had to go outside and find items that match up with colours on a sheet. Some colours were easy to find, others proved a little more difficult. We had so much fun with our buddies!!
Coloured Flowers
We put some white flowers into some water with food colouring to see what would happen. Within 10 minutes we could see the flowers beginning to change colour. When we got to school this morning - WOW! they looked so colourful. We also split a rose stem into four and put it into four different colours. Our rose is now super colourful!
Cricket Lessons
Today we had people from Manawatu Cricket come and teach us some tips about playing cricket. We learnt to use the flat side of the bat, stand sideways and to keep both eyes on the ball. It was heaps of fun and we even got our very own cricket ball to keep!!!!
Shape Pictures
We have been learning about shapes for our strand maths. Today we made a picture using different shapes with a buddy from Room 10. What great ideas everyone came up with.
Library Art
It was our turn to supply some art for the school library. We have been learning to collage and we made some Collage Caterpillars after reading The Hungry Caterpillar. I hope you get the chance to pop in to the library to check out our caterpillars!
Magic Milk
Today we had a go at the Magic Milk experiment as part of our Crazy about Colour unit. We put some milk on a plate and then added some drops of food colouring. Then we added a few drops of dishwashing liquid and watched the magic happen. Check out the link and have a go at home!!!!
Crazy about Colour
Junior Team Star
Indy was chosen as the Junior Team Star this week as she is always demonstrating the Parkland School values - Consideration, Honesty, Excellence and Respect. Well done Indy and keep up the amazing work!!!!
Campfires and Marshmallows
Today for our Letter C activity we went over to the Kindy to have a Campfire. We learnt all about keeping safe around fire and then we got to toast marshmallows. Yum Yum!!!!
Sunny Days
Since today was such a nice day, we decided to have our lunch under our new archgola when we got back from swimming. It was so nice to have this space and be outside!
Today was our first day of swimming. We were so excited getting on the bus to go to the Lido. Mrs Hildred was really proud of the way we got ourselves changed with only a little bit of help. We can't wait to show what we are learning next Friday!!
Swimming Notice
William's Wet Week
Our Big Book this week was called 'William's Wet Week'. Usually on a Friday we act out our Big Book as a class. It was pretty easy to pick someone to be 'William'!!!
William did a great job being William, acting and reading all the words. Job well done William.
William did a great job being William, acting and reading all the words. Job well done William.
Length Comparison
Today during Maths we all went outside to collect a leaf and a stick. We then had to put them in order from longest to shortest. It was a bit tricky but we managed to work it out. This could be something you could try at home!
Art Exhibition
Nifty Nine definitely has some very talented artists. I hope you all made it to view our school Art Exhibition. The hall looked fantastic. We will find out the winners of each category next Friday during our school singing. Good luck Nifty Nine!
Junior Team Superstar
Breanna was awarded the Junior Team Superstar award for her amazing progress with her reading. Keep up the great work Breanna - we are all so proud of you!!!!!
Comparing Length
Art Exhibition
Values Posters
Telling the Time
Elijah's Wonderful Writing
S is for Stripy Snakes
Today we made some stripy, slithering snakes. It was quite hard cutting around the lines but we all managed to do it by ourselves.
Eddy Elephant
Hiwi The Kiwi
Wataru and Elijah
Elijah and Wataru had a play date on Saturday at Elijah's house. They were busy building their names with lego blocks. Great job boys. It's so nice to see Nifty Nine friends playing together outside of school!
A is Artist

This morning Koharu's Dad Naga, who is an artist, came to visit Room 9 & 10 to share some of his artwork with us. As you can see, he is very talented. Then Naga drew a picture of Mrs Ousey using charcoal. Mrs Ousey did a great job staying still while Naga drew her! We then had a go at drawing a buddy without looking down at the paper. This was called 'Blind Drawing'. We found it very tricky.
Shannon helping us with our ABC's
Origami Owls
Ronald McDonald Visit
James' Bean Plant
Indy's Bean Plant
Junior Team Star
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