What are Living Things?

Today we began talking about our new Inquiry unit called "All Living Things have basic needs". Here are some of our ideas on what Living Things are. I wonder if our ideas will change the more we learn???

Miss Wales

Today was Miss Wales last day in Nifty Nine. We have loved having her as our teacher and the kids have learnt a lot from her. We wish her all the best in her future and hopefully we will see her around again soon. GOOD LUCK MISS WALES!!!

Astronauts and Afghans!

A is for Astronauts eating afghan cookies. Today for our letter of the week activity, we made afghan cookies. They were delicious!!!! We also made astronauts and talked about what it would be like up in space. Who knows, maybe one of us will get to be an astronaut one day???

Alphabet Books

I have been so impressed with the hard work Nifty Nine has been putting into their homework books lately so I thought I would share some of these with you. Ka pai Nifty Nine, keep up the fantastic work!!!!

Cross Country

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Hopefully you all got the newsletter regarding cross country in your child's book bag today. If not here is a copy. If you have any questions about cross country, please free to see me. Remember to check the school HUB page if you are in doubt if it is still on due to the weather.

C is for Class Clowns

Today for our alphabet activity we dressed up like clowns and made silly faces to make each other laugh, just like clowns do. We had a lot of fun and so many laughs at our silly faces. Mrs Hildred also got out the Circus kit and we had a go at juggling, spinning plates and the chinese yoyo. 

Addison & Taylor

Addison and Taylor were busy at reading time today spelling their name with the alphabet blocks. Great job girls. Keep up the super work!

Natalya the Skater

Natalya had a big skating competition in the weekend. She tried super hard and came away with a shiny silver medal. Awesome work Natalya - we are so proud of you in Nifty Nine! Maybe one day we will be watching you skate in the Olympics!!!!!!

Circles Maths Group

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The circles maths group has been busy learning some new games to help them learn numbers to 10. Kai pai guys, you worked so hard today & I am very happy with your progress!

Happy Mothers Day!!!!

I wish all our Nifty Nine Mothers a happy Mothers Day and hope you get time to reflect on what wonderful mothers you all are!!!! xoxoxo